Agency name


Year established


Where are you?

Mechelen, Belgium

Number of people


Breakdown of staff

Creative: 12
Account: 11
Digital: 8
Business development/strategy: 4
HR/finance/planning/production: 6

Who owns BBC?

Anton Loos/Jordan Audenaert
(That’s Jordan on the right)

Best known clients

Samsung, Randstad, Brussels Airport, DS Smith, ThermoKing, Novartis

What we're good at

Making clients proud of themselves

Best piece of work done recently

Thermotopia. A city within a trade show. See more here.

Average age of employees

37,7 years – 7,5 years on average in company

Who are your rising stars (bright young things)?

So many – too difficult to pick only one

Who are your agency legends?

Veerle Van Reybroeck – BBC’s first employee in 1983

Agency motto

What does everyone love about the agency?

What does everyone love about the agency?

The mutual trust we have in each other

What does everyone complain about?

The planning

What agency traditions do you have?

Every week on Monday each one of us has to give his or her “stand out” of last week in 30 seconds.

When did you join the network?


Why did you join E3?

To be able to pitch for an international budget for VLAM (promotion of Belgian pork internationally). We won and we are still working for them now – 20 years later!

Which other agencies have you collaborated with?

Almost all of them: including bb&b, BTL Ghana, Vero Thailand, Brandigo China, Schindler Parent, Brandigo US, C&Comm, Oz, SPS, Preferendum, B2B Marketing Lab, Bernstein,…

One thing everyone gets wrong about Belgium

We do have nice springs and summers

What’s the coolest thing about Mechelen that no one else knows about?

The mayor of Mechelen is elected best mayor of the world

What’s the one thing you have to do here when you visit?

Go to the Vismarkt and have a beer or two on the terrace.

Where we go after work

Boesjkammeree, Mechelen. Beer is cheap. Wine too.

Restaurant we take clients to

Silo’s, Boortmeerbeek

Essential phrase in local language

“Het was zeer lekker. Complimenten aan de chef!” – after a good meal.
“Nog eens hetzelfde” – after a good drink.